Price of Honor: Muslim Women Lift the Veil of Silence on the Islamic World

While women can be mistreated by individuals in any society, Islam, at least extreme Islam, sanctifies the systemic abuse of all women.

“A man loves first his son, then his camel, and then his wife”
Arab Proverb

This book, written in 1995 by Jan Goodwin, describes the sometimes gruesome position many women find themselves in just by living in many predominantly Muslim countries. It lays out a theory wherein the rising popularity of militant, extreme, Fundamentalist Islam is the main reason for the deterioration of the rights of Muslim women, as these Islamists increase they’re power base at the expense of women’s rights. Goodwin goes on to say that there is little or no basis in the Koran (the Islamic Holy Book) for the deteriorating position of women in many Muslim countries. The scope of women’s disenfranchisement varies from mild to severe from country to country as Goodwin addresses conditions in the ten countries she visited. It also varies according to the beliefs of branch of Islam to which the woman’s family belongs, Fundamentalist being the most oppressive. She also describes how this creeping tide of militant fundamentalist Islam in a danger to mainstream Islam and moderate Muslims. Though life in moderate or mainstream Muslim societies is very hard on most women it borders on slavery under extreme societies.

“There is no fun in Islam”
Ayatollah Khomeini

In the Peoples Islamic Republic of Iran, Khomeini lowered the marriage age for females from eighteen to thirteen (ya hear that Jerry Lee), but permitted girls as young as nine, even seven in some cases to be married if a physician signs a certificate agreeing to their sexual maturity. (pedophilia heaven). However, to the Ayatollah’s credit, he drew the line at seven, stating that it is forbidden to have sex with girls under seven!

“If a man and woman are alone in one place, the third person present is the devil”
Prophet Mohammad

“Under the law as it stands in Pakistan, women who have been raped can be charged with adultery or fornication. The proof required for zina (sex outside of wedlock including rape) is that there be four Muslim adult males of “good repute” present who can attest to the act of sexual penetration. No male witnesses of good repute, of course, are likely to stand and watch a rape in progress without trying to stop it. And because of this requirement it becomes impossible to punish the rapists. Instead the victim is prosecuted. Her legal complaint of rape is considered a confession of illicit sexual intercourse.”

“The majority of Muslim women find their lives controlled by their closest male relative. They are the daughters whose future marriage partners continue to be determined by their fathers. They are the brides who must be virgins on their wedding nights in a culture where, if they are not, honor killings are common and often carried out by the girls own brothers”

Muslim Irony

Fundamentalists restrict women from working, leaving the house unescorted and unveiled, being clergy, driving, reading the Koran, marrying an infidel, going to school after the sixth grade if at all and more.

The Irony of this treatment is in this Quote: “Such restrictions on women are necessary. They are to protect women’s honor and they are also a symbol of our enormous respect for women”


This book and several others like it document the ugly, onerous, abhorrent living conditions perpetrated on many Muslim women by Muslim men in the name of Islam. In fairness, The Author has on numerous occasion stated there is no basis for this treatment in the tenets of Islam. In Islam, especially the fundamentalist version religion is power. The Clergy gain power by elevating their male adherents, as do the adherents, over the females. They also gain power by espousing enmity toward a common enemy as Khomeni did toward the U.S. This is the politics of Theocrats. (The last three sentences are my observations)

As for the book, I highly recommend it. It’s 358 pages is well written, easy to read, compelling and chuck full of insights. The author, Jan Goodwin, did a tremendous amount of research, visiting and living in some ten countries, interviewing hundreds of, sometimes shy and reluctant, women to publish this very comprehensive book. Many of these women gave interviews, even though it endangered them. A couple observations I came away with is that the exception of Saudi Arabia, the holy seat of Islam, the quality of women’s living conditions increased with the wealth of the country or in large countries the area. Also it seemed to me that for the average Muslim male, appearances took precedence over the welfare of his womenfolk.

There are so many other things I would like to bring out, like how many Muslim women are malnourished by getting only leftovers, while doing three times the work of her counterpart but you really need to read the book.

July 27, 2008. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Atrocity, Islam, misogyny, religion, review, Sharia, Shiite, Sunni, Terrorism, Wahabism. 9 comments.

Secret Things – A Softcore Movie Worth Seeing.

Secret Things, French name – Choses Secretes, is the kind of movie one either loves or hates. I happened to be a lover. Even the fact that the movie was French with English sub titles did not dampen my enjoyment.

Coralie Revel – Nathalie
Sabrina Seyvecou – Sandrine
Roger Mirmont – Delacroix
Fabrice Deville – Christophe
Blandine Bury – Charlotte
Olivier Soler – Cadene

Jeanne-Claude Brisseau

Roommates Nathalie (Coralie Revel) and Sandrine (Sabrina Seyvecou) compose a strategy to dispense sex strategically to manipulate men into submission for financial gain and advancement. They commence their plan at a large prestigious Paris brokerage house. After initial successes and rapid advancement, they meet their match in the company CEO, Christophe (Fabrice Deville) the handsome amoral son of the company’s founder.

A shapely woman reclines on a day bed. She is restless and she is NAKED. A spotlight seems to highlight her gyrations and machinations. She sits up and slips into high-heeled sandals. She leans back and puffs out her chest. She places one hand upon her breast and kneads her nipple. The hand moves down across her midriff to her sex and she massages it. Suddenly she stands up and deliberately struts across the hardwood floor. After a dozen or so purposeful steps, facing the camera, she lowers herself to her knees and bends back once again. The spotlight is still on her as she masturbates and as she masturbates, the camera pans right. After panning about ninety degrees, you start to see people sitting at tables and the more it pans, you realize you are in a nightclub and the woman is an exotic performer. The woman is Nathalie.

Nathalie and Sandrine a recently hired bartender were fired that night because Nathalie would not allow the owner to force Sandrine to sleep with a customer. Tossed out on the street with nowhere to go, Sandrine accepted Nathalie’s offer to spend the night. At her apartment, Nathalie urges Sandrine to loosen up after she admitted to admiring Nathalie’s nerve and lack of inhibitions.

Nathalie, with her dry humor and strong will, made Sandrine laugh and eventually coerced her to do in front of her what Nathalie had done in front of an audience. With that, the bond was sealed and plans were laid, based on Nathalie’s distorted view of love and sex, to manipulate all men and make a place in society for themselves. After the women’s initial successes and having compromised their boss Delacroix, (Roger Mirmont), their plan begins to devolve into a whirlpool of ruthlessness, unrequited love, group sex, lesbian sex, three-way sex, and masturbation, in which the only way out appears to be suicide or murder.


The highly charged erotic opening scene set the theme for the movie so well, that I was mesmerized for the rest of the movie. True nothing that came after, with the possible exception of an “Eyes Wide Shut” style orgy scene late in the movie, was quite as electric but I still enjoyed the movie immensely. You see Secret Things had a story. It had a plot. A good story, a good plot, and the overall acting was very good. Secret Things is the closest I have viewed to a commercially viable, mainstream, erotic movie.

The movie Secret Things is appropriately named. The storyline is structured on secrets, deception and the duplicitous side of human nature. It is a reflection of a murky, lascivious side of life, which rarely is truly, captured on film. In fact the movie seemed to touch on one form or another, at one point or another, on all of ‘The Seven Deadly Sins’ – pride, envy, gluttony, lust, anger, greed and sloth, obviously a perfect sinister erotic movie.

May 20, 2008. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . erotic, five stars, intercourse, naked, Nude, review, romance, satire, sensual, sensuous, sex, sex scene, sex scenes, sexy, Softcore, women. Leave a comment.

Zany Softcore from Playboy, The Fast Lane to Vegas

Ahh! Fast Lane to Vegas! My kind of movie.

Of the few (scores that is) softcore movies I have viewed, Fast Lane to Vegas would have to be near the top in a list of my favorites. Fast Lane to Vegas is lighthearted, whimsical, sexy and erotic.

Fast Lane to Vegas is a sexual farce and doesn’t pretend to be anything else. The story is ably portrayed by the main characters, Zach (Stephen Harvard), Brian (Steve Curtis), Monica (Renee Rea) and Ashley (Tracy Ryan) and a plethora of attractive supporting cast members.

The Plot

Brian and Monica have a large wedding planned in Las Vegas. Monica, along with her best friend and Maid of Honor, Ashley, are already in Las Vegas, waiting for her fiancé, Brian’s arrival, who along with his friend and Best Man will be driving down from Los Angeles.

The Story

Before leaving for Vegas and his wedding Zack talks Brian into detouring to a showgirl party where Zack has a bachelor party lined up for Brian. Afterward, already late and hurrying to Las Vegas, Zack gets lost and they run across a couple sexy humanoid aliens. Then, trying to find their way back to their destination, they keep running into opportunities for sex with gorgeous horny gals, including in Mexico, where the bartender/mayor/judge decides to hang our boys for their indiscretions.

Meanwhile in Las Vegas, Monica, following Ashley’s example makes hay with a room service waiter and a male stripper. There are a couple side stories as well such as Brian’s future father-in-law hiring Biker Babe (Mia Zottoli) to follow Brian and Zack.

Credited Cast
Stephen Harvard Zack
Steve Curtis Brian
Renee Rea Monica
Tracy Ryan Ashley (as Tracy Angeles)
Nick Pellegrino Barkeep
Flower Juanita (as Flower Edwards)
Tera Patrick WiB #2 (as Tera Hopkins)
Mia Zottoli Biker Babe (as Ava Lake)
Bill Ferrante Mr. Sweethome
Sarah Kalla Heather
Dee Ginger (as Dee Summers)
Kelli McCarty WiB #1
Sasha Peralto Marina
Kelly Alane Chastity

Movie Data
Year: 2000 Indigo Entertainment/Playboy
Directed by: John Quinn
Version: Unrated DVD

Report Card

Story – B
Acting – B+
Directing – B+
Cinematography – A
Cast – A
Eroticism factor – B-
Entertainment factor – A
href=’’ title=’hot-couple-embrace.jpg’>hot-couple-embrace.jpg

For softcore presented in a zany, slapstick style, Fast Lane is very good. The misadventures of Zack and Brian are madcap, goofy and hilarious, especially Zack, who seems to be able to talk Brian into mischief. The ladies are essentially an all-star cast of soft and hardcore stars, as Renee Rea, Tracy Ryan, Angela Davies, Flower Edwards, Tera Patrick, Mia Zottoli, Kelli Mccarthy and Sasha Peralto, all show what they have.
This is the second “Fast Lane” movie that Indigo/Playboy released, the first being “Fast Lane to Malibu”, which featured almost the same cast and much the same concept. Both movies were originally featured on the Playboy channel and both movies are available together as a package. Personally, I didn’t appreciate “Malibu” as much but I will review the two movie package at a future date.

Both films are touted as ‘interactive movies’, where the viewer can choose at certain points either of two scenarios. I tried it a couple times, but I thought it was more a gimmick than something that added to the enjoyment of the movie. After choosing a scenario both ways a couple times and ending up at the same juncture after two or three minutes, I decided not to worry about this marginal feature.

For those wondering, the sex scenes were all well done though obviously simulated and honestly, more amusing than steamy. Still with the attractiveness of the cast involved, the sex scenes are still quite erotic. There were a total of nine sex scenes, including a fairly intense one with a girl pleasuring herself..

Since this movie is offered in both R rating and unrated, I made special effort to make sure I was buying the unrated version. I haven’t viewed the R rated version, but from my experience, unrated versions give me much more of the reason for which I watch softcore movies. Final Rating, 4.4 stars.

April 2, 2008. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . erotic, Hollywood, Las Vegas, naked, Nude, review, satire, sensual, sensuous, sex, sex scenes, sexy, Softcore. 1 comment.



“Good morning ladies and gentlemen and welcome to another edition of Book Review 4 U. Today we will be reviewing a book by Kyle Mills called Smoke Screen. Mills, you may recall startled many readers with his initial novel, Rising Phoenix, with the novel idea of poisoning the nation’s illegal drug supply in order to curtail it’s use. Smoke Screen is Mill’s sixth book and whereas his previous books were all mystery thrillers, this one shoots off in a new direction.”

“With us this fine Saturday morning our usual panel members ET and Pamela Anderson. Et of course is our resident Science Fiction expert and Pamela doesn’t know that much about books but she sure is nice to look at, right ET. Gimme three! That a boy! The gentleman in the middle is of course ET’s long time interpreter Hailey Comet and last but not least is our two guest panel members, Film Maker, Michael Moore and Comedian Jerry Seinfield and Mike, please don’t worry about that chair. I of course I am your host, If you don’t recognize me, my name is William Jefferson Clinton. I used to work for the government but now I’ve got a real job and I’m loving it.”

“As usual I’ll read the fly leaf of the book, giving everybody a feeling for the book and then we’ll have our usual comment from our resident Epinionator Dee Dawning and then we’ll open things up for discussion by our panel. Sorry ET but this one isn’t your favorite, Science Fiction but it is a good book, isn’t it? You haven‘t read it yet but you‘ll read it on the commercial break.”

“Gee Bill, I wish I could read that fast. It took me a week of solid reading to get ready for this one”

“Well baby you know you don‘t have to contribute. You just have to sit there like you do, doing your thing.”

“I know Billy boy but I want to contribute for a change.”

“Okay, let’s move on. Here’s what the dust jacket, fly leaf has to say.”

“Through an inexplicable series of unwanted promotions, Trevor Barnett has become the lead spokesman for the tobacco industry just as it’s on the verge of extinction. Plaintiffs’ attorneys have finally found the weakness they’ve been searching for and filed a $200 billion lawsuit that the industry will be unable to appeal.”

“America’s tobacco companies react by doing the unthinkable – they close their plants and recall their products from retailers’ shelves. Trevor is charged with the task of going on national television and making the announcement: Not another cigarette will be manufactured of sold until the industry is given ironclad protection from the courts.”

As the economy falters and chaos takes hold, Trevor becomes the target of enraged smokers, gun totting cigarette smugglers and a government that has been off from one of it’s largest sources of revenue. Soon it becomes clear that this has always been his function – to take the brunt of the backlash and shield the men in power from the maelstrom they’ve created.”

“There’s more but I think the audience gets the idea. We now have Mr. Daumco on the phone to get his analysis. Good morning Mr. D. I hope it‘s not too early for you back in Arizona, after all it is six o’clock there isn‘t it?”

“No Problem, I’m up with the quail and cottontails”

“Good, if I may get right to the point, what did you think of Smoke Screen?”

“Well Bill, I really loved it. Up until this book, Kyle Mills has been a serious novelist but on his latest novel, Smoke Screen he has displayed a latent jocularity and borrowed from the masters of tongue in cheek humor to put out a subtlety droll and amusingly clever book. He succinctly tells an excellent, witty story, doesn‘t get too detail oriented doesn‘t try to foist his superior vocabulary on the reader, so you don‘t need a dictionary next to you”

“What I like about Kyle Mill‘s books, which I like to varying degrees, is that he comes up with some seriously different and interesting plots. He‘s not the only one that can do that, of course but it seems like some major authors rehash the same plots only on a more massive scale.”

“I read a bio on this guy and he doesn’t even have a background in writing, he just tried it, managed with difficulty to get his first book published and now he’s off and running. I’m impressed and I‘m impressed with his writing as well. He doesn‘t waste words. His writing is direct, he doesn‘t meander off in other directions and he‘s smooth. This book is less than 350 pages, when 500 plus is the apparent norm.”

“Great, thanks again Mr D for your insights. How’s that book of yours coming along?”

“We’re getting there. Thanks for asking, Bill”

“You’re welcome, good luck. So what do you rate this book?”

“Sorry Bill, I thought that was obvious – Five big ones!”

“Wonderful. We‘ll take a break now and when we come back we‘ll hear what our panel has to say”


“Ok Panel, let’s talk about Smoke Screen.”

“Yes Pamela.”

“I loved it, it was humorous and droll and clever and ah…………..oh yeah succinct and I give it five stars.”

“Hmmmm, ok ET how did you see it”

“Mr ET thought it was very good but he would like to have seen some sex scenes and for it to take place in space but he still gave it five stars”

“I see, sex scenes huh, I thought you guys were unisex, oh well Mike what did you think? Mike, hello Mike!”

“Sorry Bill, I was just noticing a spot of dirt on Pamela‘s ……..never mind. What did you ask me Bill?”

“What we‘re here for, your evaluation of Smoke Screen.”

“Oh sure, I thought it would make a great movie, though I wouldn‘t let the bad guys, I mean tobacco guys off the hook. You know there are so many bad guys. Everywhere you look bad guys. Look what happened to you, scandalous,”


“No no, not you, the way you were treated. You‘d think you started a war or something.A”


“Yes, yes, sorry I digressed. I thought the book was super. I really liked the union guy. I laughed so hard at what he said about Trevor‘s father that I lost my cigarette and burned the couch. Five Stars, definitely five stars.”

“Thank you Michael. How about you Jerry?”

“Good book Bill, but I don’t think we’ve said enough about the characters and the excellent character development. Michael mentioned the pragmatic Union leader, Larry Mann but we also had Trevor’s anti tobacco activist, love interest Anne, the calculating corporate guru, Paul Trainer, Trevor’s always partying, fair weather friend Darius and of course Trevor’s suppressive, conniving father Edwin Barnett.”

“The whole time I was reading Smoke Screen, I couldn’t help but remember another humorous book about the tobacco industry by William Buckley’s son, Christopher Buckley, titled Thank You for Not Smoking and the writing style also reminded me of Carl Hiassen’s work.

“All in all I thought it was a clever, slightly sarcastic story with some real funny lines. I may have to borrow some for my act. Just kidding. I‘ll make it unanimous, Five Stars.”

“Thanks Jerry. So there you have it, Smoke Screen by Kyle Mills. Buy it!”

February 28, 2008. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , . addictive, addicts, author, Bill Clinton, Books, celebrities, dealers, Humor, legal drugs, Novel, politics, review, satire. Leave a comment.

PRINCESS – A Shocking Expose of Misogyny Within Saudi Arabia

Princess was the first book that I’d read on the, shall we say, unusual treatment of women in Saudi Arabia. This led me to read other books on the subject which dealt with women’s precarious place in other Muslim countries as well.


The story of Princess Sultana (a pseudonym) was written by Jean Sasson a twelve year resident of Saudi Arabia. It is the story of an anonymous Saudi Princess who grew up in a Saudi palace, her sisters, servants, friends and other unfortunate women she had heard about. Some have debated the veracity of the book but many things as I have outlined in my conclusion cannot be denied.

Princess Sultana was born into a Royal Saudi family of ten daughters and one pampered son. She was too feisty for her own good and managed to often manifest the displeasure of her father. Some of the things she did wrong were taking her toys back from her bratty, can do no wrong , brother and then trying to explain her side of things when she got in trouble, but as she and her sisters got older things became even more suppressive.

Supposedly an honor and a sign of adulthood, Sultana was forced to veil as punishment for standing up for herself a couple years before menses. She was saved from female circumcision, which her four oldest sisters endured when a foreign tutor intervened. Sultana goes on to describe how her favorite sister, Sara, was betrothed at sixteen to a man forty-six years older. Within five weeks Sara almost committed suicide due to her aged husbands sadistic and brutal sexual practices.

Sasson goes on to describe many practices and laws in Saudi Arabia that would make a westerner blanch, including the summary execution of a thirteen year old girl for fornication, who was most likely raped, a young girl drowned in the family swimming pool by her father for kissing a boy and girls who had been forced to marry as young as twelve, having four and five children before their eighteenth birthday.

Jean Sasson weaves a very interesting story. Her writing is easy to follow and extremely readable. The incidents she describe tend to stay in your mind for a long time and may cause indignation in the reader. She accomplishes a fairly good character development of Princess Sultana and other family members.

The book itself is 254 easy reading pages long and also contains four appendixes, The Koran and Women, The Laws of Saudi Arabia, a glossary on Arab terms and a Chronology of Key Events in Saudi History, all located in back. In addition there is a map of Saudi Arabia, the surrounding area, with facts on Saudi Arabia and the surrounding countries and a family tree of the House of Saud in the front of the book.


The conclusion I took from all the books I have read so far on the subject is, that while some, maybe even most, women in Saudi Arabia and other Muslim countries may be well treated, the underlying groundwork is there for the mistreatment, even killing of women.

It is hard not to notice than Muslims take exception to this and similar publications. They would like us to believe the conditions and incidents that take place in these books are fantasy and maybe they believe they are, but the undeniable facts that lie within, lend credibility to everything within the books.

I ask these people. Can women drive in Saudi Arabia? Are there modesty police? Can a woman get in trouble for not wearing a head covering, a veil, letting hair show, letting skin show? Has any women ever been executed for adultery? Have young women ever been killed by family members in honor killings? Can a Saudi man divorce his wife by saying I divorce you three times? Can a wife own property? Does a woman need three witnesses to report a rape? Can a Muslim man have multiple wives? Is a Saudi woman’s testimony worth only half of a man’s? Are many if not most of Saudi women’s husbands chosen by their father? Are Saudi women encouraged or even allowed to get an education? Can a Saudi women work in any field she chooses? Can a Saudi woman walk the streets unescorted? Can a Saudi woman date?

To be sure, women historically have had trouble in almost all societies but the second class citizenship that seems endemic in Saudi Arabia and several other Muslim countries is systemic and deeply rooted.

January 19, 2008. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , . execution, Islam, misogyny, Overzealous, review, Saudi Arabia, Sharia, Sunni, Wahabism, women. 31 comments.

Review of Tinto Brasses, All Ladies Do It


There is something about Tinto Brass films that separates them from the run of the mill soft-core movies. Ever since he directed Bob Guccione’s Caligula in 1979, Brass films seems to push the envelope of acceptability, both visually and storywise. One only has to view the cover, showing leading lady’s voluptuous posterior to realize that All Ladies do it is such a movie.

In addition, Brass films have more realistic sets and cinematography than many American soft-core movies. Many scenes are shot outdoors and most of the indoor sets are real.

The Plot

Brass films seem to have a recurring theme. At least this and two other Brass movies I have seen (Cheeky and The Key) have much the same theme – that women can and should have affairs on their husband or boyfriend. The theory is that jealousy makes the man more attentive, more sexually creative and he ultimately desires his partner more than if he can count on her fidelity. In other words Brass is proposing one half of an open marriage. One has to surmise since this premise appears in three (that I’ve seen) Brass movies that Brass subscribes to this supposition.

The Story

Diana, (Claudia Koll), is happily married to Paolo, (Paolo Lanza) but feels that something is missing in her life. She works in a lingerie store, who’s owner is a leach and gropes her at every occasion. She resists his advances but her co-worker Antonnietta, (Isabella Deiana) occasionally accommodates the boss.

Diana is a beautiful woman who constantly garners male attention. From riding the bus to eating in restaurants, she is bombarded with amorous offers.

Then one night, her sister Nadia, (Ornella Marcucci), hosts a reading by an erotic poetress from Venice, where she meets a man, Alphonse (Franco Branciaroli) who excites her. Realizing her husband is glancing at her, she leaves Alphonse and goes to the restroom. Alphonse, follows her and is in the process of seducing a willing Diana, but is interrupted when her husband knocks and calls her name.

Not one to hide her sexuality, Diana tends to tell Paolo about her sexual encounters and he thinks she is making them up as a sexual game to excite him, which they do. Diana tells him that Alphonse had her dress above her rear end and was ready to take her, until he called for her, and he is sure it is a fabrication. Still, He becomes aroused and they make love.

Later when Diana has a torrid affair with the Alphonse, Paolo eventually finds out that it and everything else she told him really happened and rejects Diana. But Diana will not back down because even though she is having sex with others she still loves her husband and doesn’t think she is doing anything wrong.

Main Cast
Claudia Koll …. Diana
Paolo Lanza …. Paolo
Ornella Marcucci …. Nadia
Isabella Deiana …. Antonietta

Renzo Rinaldi …. Sig. Silvio

Franco Branciaroli …. Alphonse


Tinto Brass

Report Card

Story – B+
Acting – B+
Directing – B+
Cinematography – A
Cast – A-
Erotic factor – A+
Entertainment factor – A


I enjoyed Claudia Koll, the leading lady in All Ladies Do It. Though in possession of a darling shape, she seemed to be more streamlined than the meaty leading ladies of Brass’ older films.

Despite the pretentious title, All Ladies Do It is a lighthearted sometimes humorous movie. An example is the lingerie store where Diana works also employs an obviously gay salesman who likes to try on the lingerie.

As usual in a Tinto Brass film there are several shots of male and female genitalia. As in other Brass movies, I believe the shots used faux male genitals.

The version I have reviewed is the special edition, unrated version, in Italian with English subtitles. Apparently there are other, highly edited versions in which viewers were seriously disappointed.

December 23, 2007. Tags: , , , , , , , , . erotic, explicit, infidelity, naked, review, sensual, sensuous, sex, sexy, Softcore, Tinto Brass. Leave a comment.

Sharing the News

Hi I don’t usually post writings from my other blog, ‘Erotic Musings, Dee Dawning’ but I am human and an author and when something good happens for me I like to tell my friends, even if it is a little like bragging.


I received some great news last Thursday. My book, Fortune Cookies made the final cut and is now officially a finalist for an EPPIE award. If you haven’t heard of Eppies, it’s sort of like Emmys but for eBooks. It is considered one of the highest awards an eBook can receive. I won’t know until January if I win but even being a finalist makes me a winner, since it is a badge of honor that can be carried through life.


For those of you not yet familiar with Fortune Cookies, here is a blurb an a review that makes me smile:)

FC Blurb

Meeting for lunch at a Chinese restaurant, Jill’s friends are shocked by the improbable, amazing tale of good fortune she spins. Lust, sex, love, pregnancy, and a planned marriage to a strapping young hunk, all from eating a red fortune cookie? A FORTUNE COOKIE? Give me a break!

The owner of the Chinese restaurant sets one of the miracle red fortune cookies in front of each of Jill’s friends. Gail, the hi-powered attorney, Rita, the gorgeous model, and Saundra, the uppity socialite, look at each other, then at Chad, Jill’s dreamboat fiancée. What should they do? What would you do?

Fortune Cookies is a deliciously naughty, whimsical, tongue in cheek, romantic story that leads four friends on a paranormal journey into the supernatural in search of love, fulfillment and happiness. It is a novel for couples, about couples. Erotic and funny, Fortune Cookies will send you searching Chinese restaurants for the elusive red fortune cookie!


Fortune Cookies
A Contemporary Erotic/romance Novel

Fortune Cookies

Dee Dawning/Fortune Cookies/eXtasy Books/411 pages/ebook

Jill meets her friends, Gail, and Rita and Saundra and others at Eddie Chang’s place, because she wants them to sample the fortune cookies that brought her a wonderful lover and the baby she had longed for. The magic in these cookies only works if you are not truly fulfilled in your life and it turns out that most of the girls need a touch of magic in one way or another – but can it work for all of them?

This is an extremely well crafted book. It is erotic and suitable only for over eighteens, but it has a really good story, which some erotic books do not have. This book has a charm and magic all its own. If you enjoy reading very sexy books then I recommend this one to you. This is certainly five red roses and I rather think it ought to have a whole bouquet, because of all the work and creativity that went into it. and that is a first for an erotic book, but it is also very much a romance. Anne

Now here’s more news. If Fortune Cookies appeals to you, until the end of December, you can buy it, or any other eXtasy Book backlist title for 30% off the regular price. That means you can get Fortune Cookies, a four hundred page award finalist for less than 5 bucks!

Erotic-romance for the naughty streak in all of us.

December 16, 2007. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . award, Books, erotic, Humor, naked, pregnant, review, romance, satire, sensuous, sex, sex scene, women. 2 comments.

Forbidden Passion is up for an Award, HELP!

I’m sorry I haven’t been here for awhile. I’ve been moving and all sorts of fun things so I have a backlog of stuff to tell you about.

What’s this? This is shamelessly seeking votes. One of my books is up for an award so I’m repeating a blog I posteed on my other blog, Erotic Musings, Dee Dawning. So take pity on this struggling author who is the middle of moving and hasn’t bought one thing for XMas and vote for my book.

First of all, my cute spunky novelette, Forbidden Passion has been nominated for best short story for 2007 by Red Roses Reviews for Authors, but to win it needs your vote. What? You didn’t read it! Why not? It matters not. I’m sure other authors are cheating. Take my word for it, it’s saucy, it’s clever, humorous and it’s feel good, good, so click on the following link and vote for it:

Cover of Forbidden Passion

Now for those who haven’t read it, here’s one of the reviews it received and a sample excerpt.

Forbidden Passion
Dee Dawning/Forbidden Passion/Dark Eden Press/ebook/34pgs

Adelina goes to meet her lover in a meadow beside Caspia Sea. It is forbidden for even the King’s son to make love with a Fala maiden. Reproduction is a clinical thing, because of the sickness that once destroyed so many of their people. So when Ada comes naked from the lake after they bath they are both arrested for breaking the ancient law.

This book is an erotic romp. I am not going to tell you any more because it is a short and I do not want to give the plot away. At its heart there is a love story and that is what makes it a good fun read. Dee is always a good writer and this science fiction story is no exception. If you enjoy your stories hot you will want this one! Five red roses. Anne
Posted by Redrosesfor at 11:29

Sexy Excerpt (R rated)

Freshly bathed and still dripping wet, Adalina came around the corner of a stand of trees, planning to run and jump into the waiting arms of her lover. Instead, three helmeted soldiers, with loaded spear-guns, were standing around him. She started to run to him when someone grabbed her from behind.

Adalina stomped on his foot and broke away but another soldier grabbed her before she advanced three paces. Swinging her fisted right hand and connecting with her new assailant, she broke free once more only to be corralled by the original attacker, who had recovered. He grabbed, and held both of her arms behind her and pushed her towards the other soldiers and Mitheas.

The leader spoke, “A Fala and a pretty one. Prince Mitheas, you know better than that. Co-mingling with Falas out of season is forbidden. Your grandfather, the king, will be sorely disappointed.”

“As I am sorely disappointed in you, Cap’n Magis. Sneaking around and following me.”

“The law is clear and applies to everyone. Even royalty. However, because of your status, I will grant you and your tramp Fala a favor. I will not mention in my report that you were seen fucking the Fala.”

“Do as you will. I’ve got nothing to be ashamed about. I will proudly proclaim my love for Ada to grandpa, and that we have made love.”

“Humpf!” Cap’n Magis turned to his men and said: “Take the wench to the castle and place her in detention.”

“Yes Cap’n,” answered the sergeant.

They placed a pole behind Adalina’s back and between the crook of her elbows and bound her hands. Wide eyed Ada stared imploringly at Mitheas. He noticed tears had welled up in her eyes. They tied a rope around her waist, strung it to the large six-legged boonsan, and led her off.

“Don’t worry, my love. Everything will be fine. I’ll see to it,” yelled Mitheas.

She turned, and forced herself to smile. Now Mitheas was worried. He whispered to the Cap’n. “I will personally hold you responsible should anything befall her. You hear!”

Cap’n Magis, concern now revealed in his eyes said, “Oh sergeant!” The sergeant turned to the Cap’n. “One more thing. Make sure that you and your men keep their hands off the sexy Fala whore.”

The Sergeant bowed his head and said, “As you wish, sir”

“What about my clothes?” yelled Adalina, not liking the long stares she was getting from the soldiers.

“What clothes? I see no garments.”
“They’re scattered about.” Mitheas said.

The sergeant asked his commander, “Should I gather her clothing?”

“Nay. I want Lor D’ana to see the Fala harlot the way we found her.”

This just a sample of the goodies that lie in wait for you in this sexy, fun, feel good story that you can read for less than a cup of Starbucks coffee.

December 12, 2007. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . award, erotic, Humor, naked, Nude, review, romance, sensuous, sex. Leave a comment.

Whatever Lola Wants! An R Rated Review

The Bottom Line
A good movie if you and your significant other wish to set the mood for what goes on in the movie.


Softcore as opposed to hardcore, is a mild form of pornography – pornography defined as: the depiction of erotic behavior (as in pictures or writing) intended to cause sexual excitement – wherein the actors and actresses, either naked or partially clothed, engage in, what at least for appearance sake are, simulated sex acts. Hardcore, is of course, the graphic celluloid recording of actual sex acts in detail and usually focusing in on the actors genitalia.

I don’t know about this particular movie but many softcore films have been shown on late night cable movie channels, like Cinemax and Showtime. Not that hardcore films are hard to get but one of the advantages of softcore films is that they are easier to obtain and carry less of a social stigma, if one tends to feel guilty about watching such things, especially since even mainstream commercial movies, occasionally, have the equivalent of softcore scenes.

The reason I say they are easier to obtain is that they are readily available for sale on websites such as Amazon and Ebay and many can be rented from Netflix and Blockbusters. This particular movie was rented from Netflix.

Frivolous Lola

It seems to be a leading lady in a Tinto Brass film you must:

• Be young and attractive
• Have an exceptional sensuous body
• Not be shy about nudity
• Exude a cheerful, lighthearted persona
• Act loveably naughty.

That has been the case in the previous Brass films I have watched and reviewed and Frivolous Lola is no exception. Rumor has it that the inscrutable producer of erotica met the vivacious young actress, Anna Ammirati while examining her body. The body of her car that is, after being involved in a traffic accident with her. It doesn’t matter whose fault it was, the outcome was inevitable – Anna gallivanting around with little or no clothing in his next movie. Anna is reputed to have entreated the enigmatic director to feature her in his next movie and a enchanting match was born.

The Plot

Lola is a carefree lass in an unnamed village in Italy of some notoriety and gossip. Her mother who grew up there, left years before but returned with a handsome paramour, Andr’e and a vibrant sexually precocious teen daughter, Lola.

Lola is a virgin a condition she dislikes. She is engaged to the son of the village baker, Masetto, whom she wants to deflower her. Masetto would like to wait for their wedding night and this frustrates Lola.
A sub plot of the movie is Lola’s relationship with her alleged father, Andr’e. They both find each other intriguing and therefore, attractive.

The Story

The story revolves around Lola’s efforts to get Masetto to make love with her and thus take her virginity. She tries various tricks, including making him jealous by coming on with other men. There was even a scene in a tavern where she is jitterbugging with three soldiers, sans her panties, with flashes of her genital folds and pubis.

Lola’s alleged father Andr’e fascinates her. He is somewhat of a leach with prurient instincts and she is drawn to and fanaticizes about him. She makes a couple unsuccessful attempts to seduce him.

In the end Lola does trick Masetto into deflowering her – her term and at their wedding the next day a scene takes place between Lola and Andr’e where you are left wondering, no believing that they also have sex.

In hindsight it may be a take on that old song of the fifties, “Whatever Lola wants, Lola gets.”


Anna Ammirati …. Lola
Patrick Mower …. Andre
Mario Parodi …. Masetto

Susanna Martinkova …. Michelle
Antonio Salines …. Pepe
Francesca Nunzi …. Wilma


Tinto Brass

Report Card

Story – B
Acting – A-
Directing – A
Cinematography – A
Cast – A-
Erotic factor – A+
Entertainment factor – A


Lola is indeed frivolous and afew other adjectives ranging from adorable to bratty. Her self-centered thoughtless behavior is nothing short of tawdry. If there are women that behave so flippant, I wouldn’t want to be engaged to them. Yet, as a viewer there is something winsome about her frolicsome, lighthearted, even compelling behavior.

As with other Brass movies I have viewed a typical theme permeates Frivolous Lola. Nothing is shameful to her. She with the overactive libido was born to enjoy life and she resents anyone that wants to rein her in, while her man is supposed to go along with her indiscretions

Frivolous Lola is an exercise in exhibitionism. The movie seems to be a memorial to Lola’s or is it Anna Amirati’s shapely figure with voyeuristic peeks at her genitalia. The story seems incidental, it is merely a vehicle to attain the desired effect.

I do not mean to sound like this is bad. Contrary, it is good. I found the movie to be funny entertaining and stimulating – one of his best and one of the better erotica movies available.

The lovely Anna Amirati was uniformly naughty and loveable. Her body was adorable and her acting endearing. Supporting actors, Packtrick Mower and Mario Parodi did well too.

The film was shot in what appeared to be the Italian countryside. The sets and costumes were colorful and the cinematography was first rate. Rating 4.6 stars

November 12, 2007. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , . erotic, Humor, naked, review, sex, Softcore. 3 comments.

The Bush Legacy continues – Bush’s Five Biggest Lies

The Five Biggest Lies was not the first book I’ve read on George W. Bush and or his misadventure and it probably won’t be the last. Obviously, from the title, one can deduct that this is not a book that praises the forty-third president. The book is well written and planned and is generally about what the title describes – the five major fallacies that were given as the rationale for the unprovoked aggression of Iraq. It is basically set forth in an outline style, starting with an introduction, then a chapter on the reasoning and methodology behind the deception. The deceptions themselves follow, with a chapter allocated to each lie, followed by the conclusion.

The chapters outlining the five lies are titled by the lies:
1. Al Qaeda’s ties to Iraq.
2. Iraq’s Chemical and Biological Weapons
3. Iraq’s Nuclear Weapons
4. The War Will Be a ‘Cakewalk’
5. Iraq as a Democratic Model
6. Conclusion

Al Qaeda’s ties to Iraq

The authors methodically expose this deceit pointing to the fact that all of the prewar suppositions regarding an alleged tie between Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein had previously been discredited. Yet, as in the pattern of other falsehoods, these lies mysteriously found their way back into the conversations and speeches of administration officials.

Iraq’s Chemical and Biological Weapons

Another stretch by the administration that had been debunked previously, even as the administration members continued to talk about Chemical and Biological WMD. They shamelessly continued to use this discounted intelligence as a pretext for invasion. Even though the United States and the UN had Hussein in a box, in control of only a third of his country and was unable to reconstitute chemical and biological programs; the administration pointed to this phantom program as a grave world threat.

Iraq’s Nuclear Weapons

This may have been the largest and most damaging of the fabrications. Everything that the administration put forward to justify their mushroom cloud scenario had already been discredited numerous times and in many ways, yet the people in Rumsfeld’s personal intelligence gatherers, whose only purpose was to dig up intelligence that would support the administration position, wouldn’t let it die. This despite the fact that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said there was no evidence of any kind of WMD in Iraq and weapon inspectors had come up empty. Vice President Cheney in no uncertain terms said they were “Flat wrong.” Well, the head of IAEA ended up with a Nobel Peace Prize and we ended up with a quagmire.

The War Will be a ‘Cakewalk’

Here again the administration’s leading Hawk, VP Cheney was head cheerleader for invasion by going on TV and saying the war would be a “cakewalk.” Others treated the invasion in a cavalier manner as well. The administration planned on reducing troop levels to 30,000 troops within three months.

The authors point out that this may be the only inadvertent lie, with administration officials truly believing their own hyperbole in this case.

Iraq as a Democratic Model

This is, of course, the back up rationale for the invasion of Iraq, but it was the primary policy on a position of expansion and policing, which authors put forth in the conclusion.
The authors don’t disagree with the idea of a model democracy in the Middle East but it is generally conceived that if such an event were to occur it would have to be nurtured, not imposed from the end of a gun.


The authors postulate that the invasion of Iraq was the first salvo in a new grandiose, radical foreign policy of deterrence by aggression. In doing this the administration made numerous assumptions, all of which turned out to be fallacious. Instead the results of the invasion had the opposite effect, bogging us down in Iraq, helpless to confront other developing mischief in the globe, ie. Iran and North Korea.

My Thoughts

This book only deals with the lead up to the war and the very beginnings, having being published in October, 2003, yet the authors seem quite prescient, having correctly predicting the present situation in Iraq.

Like the other similar books I have devoured, it is meant to be informative and factual. It is probably directed at the average Bush supporter who seem to shun being confused with facts and therefore would not be caught within a mile of such ‘dreck.’

Therefore this book and others like it serve as kindling, inflaming the passions of those of us that believe Dubya is, at best, a study in mediocrity. It reinforces our incredulity that this man was re-elected. I don’t know about others, but it makes be mad at the voters that voted, with whatever stupid reason in mind, for Bush. I can truthfully say, not a day goes by that I haven’t marveled at the fact that this man is our President.

October 20, 2007. Tags: , , , , , , , . attack, Baghdad, Books, Cheney, George W. Bush, President, President Bush, review, Rumsfeld, slam dunk, Terrorism, Vice Presidency, Watergate. 3 comments.

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