The Prescription Drug Epidemic

You may not believe me, but I’m normally a pretty happy person. I joke with my dog, I sometimes talk like Foghorn Leghorn, Elmer Fudd and other Looney Tunes characters and some of my sexy short stories will make you laugh. Nevertheless, there are things that get my goat and make my blood boil. Yes, bankers, lawyers, mortgage brokers, televangelists and other such scoundrels drive me up a wall and I might talk about them on another day, but for now I want to talk about the guardians of our health, and the custodians of our lives, our doctors.

Did you know we have the greatest health care system in the world?


Don’t make me laugh. If our health care system is so good, how come the lifespan in the U.S. is 38th in the world on life expectancy and 33rd worst in the world for infant mortality. How come every so often you read in the paper or hear on TV that some poor slob had the good leg amputated instead of the diseased one or some other mindless accident. I’ve been to doctors who’ve been dumber than dirt. Having an MD designation is no guarantee that your doctor is smart enough to keep from killing you. Yeah, that’s right killing you. Don’t get my wrong there are some good doctors out there, but some times they’re harder to find than snow in the Sahara.

Example, eleven years ago our son was seriously ill from Crohn’s disease. He was slowly dying while in the hospital, while a team of so-called specialists played doctor. My wife wouldn’t have it. She got on the phone with her sister in California and asked if she could get a recommendation. Within a day or so, my wife got the name of a Crohn’s specialist in L.A. To make a long story short, she talked to him, knew he was competent and to the chagrin of the pretend doctors, took our son, along with x-rays and records to L.A.

That was twelve years ago and no thanks to his original doctors, my son survived. Those doctors like so many didn’t have a clue and a doctor without a clue is dangerous, because they feel like they have to do something and when they don’t have clue, many times they do the wrong thing.

I can see I could easily write a couple thousand words on this subject so I’m going to jump to the subject of my blog, the pharmacological cartel’s seeming conspiracy to get everyone in the world taking their drugs. I do not for a minute believe they are a benign entity. The evidence supports the opposite. From lobbyists in D.C. to high powered ads on TV and elsewhere to paying doctors to peddle their wares: .

When was the last time you watched the national six o’clock news and didn’t see at least six ads for prescription drugs? Have you listened to the side effects they recite? Some of the worst are severe diarrhea, blindness and death. Yes, Death! That’s pretty severe side effect. And it happens. Have you or your family ever taken Ritalin? It can kill! And the affliction it supposedly treats, ADHD, is questionable. In the old sane days it used to be called hyperactivity.

I had a hyperactive sister. She didn’t take any drugs and she lived long enough to become what I would call a passive old maid. Not so for some of these kids: .

When it comes to special ed in our schools we have a case of the old Catch 22 here folks. The kids, usually hyperactive boys are diagnosed by our friendly physician or psychiatrist as having that made up disorder ADHD. They are then put on one or two various psychotropic drugs which through the years have killed thousands and guess what. They are so drugged that they can’t do their school work. When kids don’t live up to there potential, (ability tests) they are candidates for special ed. So almost all of the special ed kids are on drugs. And many that aren’t special ed are on drugs too. In fact it’s like an epidemic.

And folks this epidemic is everywhere, bought and paid for by the drug cartels and the medical community.

I’m going to leave it at that…for now. Looking forward to comments.

For those who may be interested, my latest book is a novel about another one of my pet peeves, Televangelists. If the subject interests you check out The Bastard Preacher.

buy link

The Bastard Preacher Blurb

If there are truly evil people in the world, Jamie Lee Vincent would be a prime suspect.

Smooth and handsome, sociopath, Jamie Lee Vincent decides there’s easy money in religion after attending a big tent revival in his home town of Tyler, Texas. Catching the interest of Reverend Sonny Riverton’s youngest daughter, the lovely and vivacious Missy, he charms his way into her bed and in short order the Riverton clan.

Utilizing his charm and natural-born talent for chicanery, Jamie Lee takes over the ministry, and when his popularity soars finds himself among the most revered of television preachers. However, the wealth, fame, sex and power he now enjoys isn’t enough—nothing is ever enough!

December 10, 2010. Tags: , , , , , , , , . drug cartel, drugs, ethics, legal drugs, lobbists, mental illness, Perscription, politics, Psychiatry. Leave a comment.


Something that’s always bothered me is that the answers to some of the country’s and yes the world’s, most intractable and daunting problems are not so daunting if you apply a little common sense.

Take health care. Everybody, even Republican legislators agree health care costs are skyrocketing out of control. For example health care costs in the nineties constituted six percent (6%) of the economy. Today health care accounts for almost three times that, seventeen percent (17%). It you don’t think this is a serious problem, I have a bridge I’ll sell you. That is if the Wall Street Bankers haven’t already sold it to you.

If costs are not brought under control, and soon, predictions of 25 to 33% of our economy will go for health care, yet partisan bickering continues while America burns. C’mon guys, give us something. We know you can do it—can’t you? I used to think the previous administration was like the Keystone Cops in their inept pursuit of war and oil, but today’s congress really is like the Hatfields and the McCoys.

How do we get them together on heath care? It’s not so hard. Simply take away their health care away until they give the country effective bi-partisan health care reform.

Are there other simple answers out there? Sure why not. If some banks are too big to fail, simply yank out all your money and stop dealing with them. If everyone did this I guaranty they would get smaller—a lot smaller. Personally, I believe that everyone who lost a job, source of income or who’s net worth was seriously depleted should get one of those bonuses and I’m one of them. They seem to have plenty of money to go around. After all, three of these pillars of society recently announced they were giving thirty-four BILLION in bonuses to their employees. For those of you who are mathematically challenged that sum could make thirty four thousand employees, MILLIONAIRES.

Isn’t life grand?

Do you think internet pornography and gaming are a problem? I do. It seems like people would rather send their money to gamblers and pornographers than pay taxes. What’s the answer? Sin tax. Simply tax the shit…I mean hell out of them. That’s a tax even the republicans could love. Yes many if not all of them are based outside the U.S.. Simply cut them off at the border and if that’s not possible, change the tax laws and make any income derived from within our borders subject to U.S. income tax laws.

See how easy it is? How about rampant alcohol consumption. Surely you’ve noticed liquor and wine supermarkets popping up everywhere and if you think about it, the liquor section in your supermarket has grown to about twenty percent or more of the store’s entire display area.

Then there’s the prescription drug epidemic. Billions and billions of dollars are spent every year on legalized drugs, most of which are bad for the people that take them. Why? Because we are a drug culture. For our whole lives we’ve been led to believe the doctors know best and drugs are the answer to everything. And once started, people seldom get off, nor do they think they should.

I’ll bet now that I’ve showed you how you could come up with some simple solutions to the countries problems, you could solve our drug and alcohol addictions. Think about it. I’d like to hear from you.

On top of everything else, there’s an obesity epidemic which contributes to the zooming health care costs and the ubiquitous climate change problem.

You know, the climate change problem may actually be the answer to all our problems. Simply put all the climate change deniers (mostly republicans but some independents) in charge and in a hundred years or so, none of us will ever have to worry about anything ever again.

Now if any of you are interested in my writing allow me to present a couple new books I’m proud of

Fortune Cookie Magic

Meeting for lunch at a Chinese restaurant, Jill’s friends are shocked by the improbable, amazing tale of good fortune she spins. Lust, sex, love, pregnancy, and a planned marriage to a strapping young hunk, all from eating a red fortune cookie? A FORTUNE COOKIE? Give me a break!

The owner of the Chinese restaurant sets one of the miracle red fortune cookies in front of each of Jill’s friends. Gail, the hi-powered attorney, Rita, the gorgeous model, and Saundra, the uppity socialite, look at each other, then at Chad, Jill’s dreamboat fiancée. What should they do? What would you do?

Fortune Cookies is a deliciously naughty, whimsical, tongue in cheek, romantic story that leads four friends on a paranormal journey into the supernatural in search of love, fulfillment and happiness. It is a novel for couples, about couples. Erotic and funny, Fortune Cookies will send you searching Chinese restaurants for the elusive red fortune cookie!

Buy Link: Fortune Cookie Magic

Groovin’ in Waikiki

After winning an all expenses paid Hawaiian vacation for two from a local radio station, Jessica and her younger sister, Gloria, head to Honolulu with high expectations. Jessie meets and hits it off with a man who happens to live in the LA area, where she’s from and is suddenly looking forward to returning to LA.

Gloria, a showroom dancer in Las Vegas hotel, also meets a man, Kino, a Hawaiian hunk,who is renowned for his lothario like exploits. Just when she’s resolved to sharing his companyas a summer vacation romance only, she discovers they have something compelling in common.

Is there romance after vacation with this Hawaiian godlike incarnation?

Gloria doesn’t think so, but don’t count Kino out.

Buy Link: Groovin’ ‘n Waikiki

June 9, 2010. Tags: , , , , , , , , . Books, Democrats, drugs, economy, Perscription, politicians, politics, Republicans, Wall Street. Leave a comment.

The Legal Drug Kingpins

In the nineteenth century entrepreneurs, generically known as Traveling Medicine Shows, used to crisscross our country in their horse drawn wagons, making a living by providing a minimal show for bored citizens and ultimately selling medicinal tonics, commonly known as Snake Oil. Whether they bought their product from a manufacturer or made the product themselves, buyers could usually count on a pleasantly flavored innocuous product that would probably give the recipient a little buzz due mostly to a small (10-15%) content of alcohol.. Though these merchants seemed harmless enough and provided a much needed break in monotony, the public never warmed to these men, sometimes calling them charlatans and flimflam artists.

Whether any of these medicine men had names like Pfizer or Merck or Lily or even Bayer I don’t know. What I do know and what America needs to realize, is that the Pharmaceutical industry is one of the largest businesses in the county and making billions of dollars a year selling legalized drugs, which in some cases are just as addictive, mind numbing and dangerous as their illegal counterparts. In effect they are today’s charlatans and flimflam artists. They are twenty-first century Snake Oil salesmen! Folks, this is one huge lobby.

Billions and billions of dollars are at stake here and right in the drug companies corner, is their pushers, the psychiatric industry and to a lesser degree the medical industry. Can’t sleep? Here’s a pill. Can’t wake up? Here’s a pill. In a bad mood? Here’s a pill. Can’t have sex? Here’s a pill. There is not a malady, medical or mental that the medical community doesn’t have a so called legal drug for and every drug out there has side effects (many serious) and or can be addictive. If I get a tooth filled, the dentist gives me a prescription for pain pills. For what? For four or five hours of diminishing marginal pain, I’m going to go to the pharmacy to fill a prescription for the dangerous addictive painkiller, codeine, or worse, which is an actual narcotic, derived from morphine, a derivative of opium. Have you or anyone you know, ever been to a Psychiatrist for treatment and not walked out with a prescription. It’s endemic. Psychiatrists no longer try to cure their patients neurosis’, they now, merely, try to exert control over them with drugs. They are the pimps of the legal drug cartel.

It is not only becoming apparent, to reasonable people, that legal drugs are dangerous to the people to whom they are prescribed, but more and more to the people around these people. The term ‘Postal’ was born from numerous instances of school and workplace slaughter, being tied to the perpetrator’s ingestion of psychotropic drugs, such as Prozac and Ritalin.

So why are legal drugs so expensive. I don’t know. You have to ask the drug companies. I do know this, many drugs that cost over a dollar a pill to buy, cost less than one cent to make. Yes I’ve heard the drug company arguments that new drug prices are high because they need to recover the enormous research costs that go in to new successful and unsuccessful products and yet the prices come down only when lower priced alternatives come on the market or the patent runs out, allowing other manufacturers to make the same drug. I also know that the same drugs sell in other countries for as low as ten percent of the price in the U.S. Why, you ask, if the drug cartel can make money at ten percent of the price there, they can’t here?

Selling medicine is no longer a way to make a living. It’s now a way to make a fortune, a world class fortune at that. Wake up America, we have become a culture of drugs. Drugs pervade our society. Last year drug sales in the U.S. topped $14 billion for antidepressants alone, $1.3 billion of which were for children. Many of these drugs are categorized in the same class as morphine, opium and cocaine. Bad enough we take these drugs ourselves but we give these drugs to our children, who trust us and have no say in the matter. More than 8 million American children are prescribed powerful stimulants, antidepressants and other psychotropic drugs for questionable if not dubious reasons.

We have become a nation of hypochondriacs. America is in the midst of a legal and illegal drug frenzy. Feel down? Here’s a pill. Nervous? Here’s a pill. Can’t swim ten laps? Here’s some pills. Want to experience something different? Try this. When will it end? I don’t mean to be an alarmist but your very life and those of your loved ones may be at stake here.

Author’s Note

Hi, I have already written one controversial essay, which may surprise you, advocating legalizing, illegal drugs. How can I promote legalizing illegal drugs on one hand and support moderation for legal drugs on the other hand? I’ll admit the two ideas appear incompatible at first glance but in reality they make a lot of sense. Legalizing illegal drugs would ultimately make them so inexpensive that a whole sub culture of criminals would be put out of work and if the country used legal drugs less, it would force those costs down as well, just like if we used less gas, it would go down.

September 7, 2007. addictive, addicts, colusion, dishonest, drug cartel, Drug Lords, drugs, ethics, junkie, legal drugs, lies, lifespans, lobbists, marijuana, mental illness, narcotics, Perscription, politics, President, Psychiatry. Leave a comment.