Why do the Republicans Hate Obama?

I don’t know why Republicans hate President Obama, but I have my suspicions. Even though I am a forty year registered Republican, I can’t figure this new angry and apparently bloodthirsty crowd out there. I was hoping you knew why they hate Obama. Are there any Republicans out there who hate Obama and can tell us why?

I kinda like the guy. His Republican presidential challenger, John McCain, who was my hero in 2000, until that corpulent nerd, Carl Rove, smooshed poor John like grapes in a wine tub, even said Obama was a nice guy. I’ll bet he got twenty lashes and a thousand Republican demerits for that.

Let’s face it, on inauguration day Obama was handed a truckload full of special Bush/Republican grown lemons and damned if the Republican congress won’t let him make lemonade with them. What a pickle. Then we (not me personally) made it worse in 2010 by handing him a Tea Party controlled House. Have you ever noticed that tea rhymes with…never mind.

Back to the hateful Republicans. The easy answer is because Obama’s black. That certainly might be the case with many republicans. Those who would probably have been slave owners in the ‘good ole days’—and probably would still be, if it wasn’t for that dratted turncoat Republican, Abraham Lincoln.

No, it’s more than being black. Maybe, it’s being smart. And getting Osama bin Laden and Muammar Khadafi, didn’t help his popularity with the petulant ones either. Maybe, they’re afraid he’ll show the country what a fraud the Bush years were. They were you know. After getting handed a two hundred and fifty billion dollar budget surplus from Clinton, Bush started two, ten year trillion dollar plus wars and that was just for starters. Then he played Santa Claus twice for the Rich and Famous with tax cuts totaling one point four trillion dollars. Somewhere in there he added a trillion dollar prescription drug benefit, which is nothing but welfare for Big Pharma and passed the No Child Left Behind bill, which every teacher in the country hates and has caused widespread cheating on test scores.

After all that he handed Barack Obama an economy that was hemorrhaging three quarters of a million jobs a month and a one point two trillion dollar budget shortfall in his first year as president, the first of several humongous budget shortfalls that can be traced back mostly to the foundering Bush economy programs and efforts to counter the recession. Boy, I’ll bet Bush was happy to leave it all to the next guy—the Republican designated fall guy.

Shush, the Republicans say. Don’t ever mention that. Never mention that TARP was started under Bush as well as the Detroit auto bail-out. Instead, harp on the overwhelming debt and how we desperately need to cut spending. Let the gullible and uninformed public think this all came about one minute after Barck Hussien Obama, that uppity, mixed race, usurper, who was born anywhere but in the U.S., was sworn in as president. Even those who know better will eventually forget and begin to blame Obama for the country’s woes. For not getting the country out of the greatest financial collapse since the Great Depression.

And they are. Frustration and hardship have caused Obama’s poll numbers to drop, endangering his re-election, and that is really scary. Can you imagine where we will be if any of the Republican bimbos who are running right now end up being President?

Be careful America. With this brand of Republican’s help, you may yet get what you think you wished for, and it ain’t pretty.

September 29, 2011. Tags: , , , , , , , , . African Americans, dishonest, economy, George W. Bush, Obama, politicians, politics, Republicans. Leave a comment.

Televangelists – Prophets for God or Profits for Their Ministry

Today I’m going to blog about my sensational upcoming book, The Bastard Preacher. More accurately I’m going to write about what prompted me to write the book.

The Bastard Preacher and the scheduled sequel, The Ruthless Preacher is about a handsome, charismatic, but ruthless young man, named Jamie Lee Vincent. Jamie Lee attends a tent revival in his medium sized Texas Town and receives an epiphany. Unfortunately, his revelation, instead of being about God is about easy money and sex.

Before I start, let me say that my book is fiction. It is not based on any facts other than history has revealed certain famous television preachers to be less than they pretend to be. Or would it more correct to say they turn out to be more than they pretend to be. From Tony Alamo to Jimmy Swaggart, the list of disgraced preachers is long and disappointing. Some like Jimmy Bakker have even gone to jail. Others like Ted Haggard, are being kept under lock and key, while they undergo re-programming to remove homosexual tendencies. Is it any wonder why I am dubious about the sincerity of certain high profile television preachers and skeptical about televangelism in general?

Things I’ve Noticed

From luxurious lifestyles to self-promoting, I’ve noticed things about some television ministers through the years that turned me off about religion. Some so called men and women of God live so lavishly that Congress even initiated an investigation into the extravagant lifestyles of six Mega Church leaders in 2007. Whatever happened to the humble servant of God?

Family Values

Some of these high profile couples, who basically tell us how we should like our lives, can’t even keep their home life out of the papers. High profile religious couple Paula and Randy White of the Without Walls International Church, who were one of the above mentioned six, divorced a couple of years ago. And Prophetess Juanita Bynum declared herself the ‘face of domestic violence’ just before her high profile divorce from Pastor Thomas Weeks III.

God’s Love

Many of these purveyors of God’s love have trouble telling the difference between love and hate themselves. In my book, I used a quote from a famous television pastor as an epigraph at the beginning of each chapter. I will let some of these quotes make my point.

I believe that all of us are born heterosexual, physically created with a plumbing that’s heterosexual. Rev. Jerry Falwell

You say you’re supposed to be nice to the Episcopalians and the Presbyterians and the Methodists and this, that, and the other thing. Nonsense. I don’t have to be nice to the spirit of the Antichrist. Rev. Pat Robertson

AIDS is not just God’s punishment for homosexuals; it is God’s punishment for the society that tolerates homosexuals. Rev. Jerry Falwell

If I do not return to the pulpit this weekend, millions of people will go to hell. Jimmy Swaggart

I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way — all of them who have tried to secularize America — I point the finger in their face and say, ‘You helped this (911) happen. Rev. Jerry Falwell

We have imagined ourselves invulnerable and have been consumed by the pursuit of…health, wealth, material pleasures and sexuality… It [terrorism] is happening because God Almighty is lifting his protection from us. Rev. Pat Robertson

I know me, and those close to me know me. But sadly, the outside world thinks I’m some kind of a crook. Rev. Benny Hinn

Feminism encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians. Rev. Pat Robertson

If I have stepped on anyone’s toes, I apologize. My intent was to talk and write, not about religion itself, but those people of religion, who use it as a tool to obtain wealth and power. People who set themselves up as role models, as pillars of society and give us hypocrisy.

Whether you agree or disagree, I’d like to hear your thoughts.

And now a few words about The Bastard Preacher and an excerpt. I think this book is like nothing you’ve ever read.

buy link, The Bastard Preacher


Some people do the right things but for the wrong reasons. The Bastard Preacher is such a person. Smooth, handsome, and self serving, Jamie Lee Vincent decides there’s easy money in religion after attending a big tent revival in his home town of Tyler, Texas. Catching the interest of Reverend Sonny Riverton’s youngest daughter, the lovely and vivacious Missy, he charms his way into her bed and in short order the Riverton clan. Utilizing his charm and natural-born talent for chicanery, Jamie Lee takes over the ministry, and when his popularity soars finds himself among the most revered of television preachers. However, the wealth, fame, sex and power he now enjoys isn’t enough-nothing is ever enough!

February 15, 2011. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , . ethics, Evangelicals, TV Preacher and wicked.. Leave a comment.

The Prescription Drug Epidemic

You may not believe me, but I’m normally a pretty happy person. I joke with my dog, I sometimes talk like Foghorn Leghorn, Elmer Fudd and other Looney Tunes characters and some of my sexy short stories will make you laugh. Nevertheless, there are things that get my goat and make my blood boil. Yes, bankers, lawyers, mortgage brokers, televangelists and other such scoundrels drive me up a wall and I might talk about them on another day, but for now I want to talk about the guardians of our health, and the custodians of our lives, our doctors.

Did you know we have the greatest health care system in the world?


Don’t make me laugh. If our health care system is so good, how come the lifespan in the U.S. is 38th in the world on life expectancy and 33rd worst in the world for infant mortality. How come every so often you read in the paper or hear on TV that some poor slob had the good leg amputated instead of the diseased one or some other mindless accident. I’ve been to doctors who’ve been dumber than dirt. Having an MD designation is no guarantee that your doctor is smart enough to keep from killing you. Yeah, that’s right killing you. Don’t get my wrong there are some good doctors out there, but some times they’re harder to find than snow in the Sahara.

Example, eleven years ago our son was seriously ill from Crohn’s disease. He was slowly dying while in the hospital, while a team of so-called specialists played doctor. My wife wouldn’t have it. She got on the phone with her sister in California and asked if she could get a recommendation. Within a day or so, my wife got the name of a Crohn’s specialist in L.A. To make a long story short, she talked to him, knew he was competent and to the chagrin of the pretend doctors, took our son, along with x-rays and records to L.A.

That was twelve years ago and no thanks to his original doctors, my son survived. Those doctors like so many didn’t have a clue and a doctor without a clue is dangerous, because they feel like they have to do something and when they don’t have clue, many times they do the wrong thing.

I can see I could easily write a couple thousand words on this subject so I’m going to jump to the subject of my blog, the pharmacological cartel’s seeming conspiracy to get everyone in the world taking their drugs. I do not for a minute believe they are a benign entity. The evidence supports the opposite. From lobbyists in D.C. to high powered ads on TV and elsewhere to paying doctors to peddle their wares: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/05/09/business/09anemia.html?_r=1 .

When was the last time you watched the national six o’clock news and didn’t see at least six ads for prescription drugs? Have you listened to the side effects they recite? Some of the worst are severe diarrhea, blindness and death. Yes, Death! That’s pretty severe side effect. And it happens. Have you or your family ever taken Ritalin? It can kill! And the affliction it supposedly treats, ADHD, is questionable. In the old sane days it used to be called hyperactivity.

I had a hyperactive sister. She didn’t take any drugs and she lived long enough to become what I would call a passive old maid. Not so for some of these kids: http://www.ritalindeath.com/adhd-drug-deaths.htm .

When it comes to special ed in our schools we have a case of the old Catch 22 here folks. The kids, usually hyperactive boys are diagnosed by our friendly physician or psychiatrist as having that made up disorder ADHD. They are then put on one or two various psychotropic drugs which through the years have killed thousands and guess what. They are so drugged that they can’t do their school work. When kids don’t live up to there potential, (ability tests) they are candidates for special ed. So almost all of the special ed kids are on drugs. And many that aren’t special ed are on drugs too. In fact it’s like an epidemic.

And folks this epidemic is everywhere, bought and paid for by the drug cartels and the medical community.

I’m going to leave it at that…for now. Looking forward to comments.

For those who may be interested, my latest book is a novel about another one of my pet peeves, Televangelists. If the subject interests you check out The Bastard Preacher.

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The Bastard Preacher Blurb

If there are truly evil people in the world, Jamie Lee Vincent would be a prime suspect.

Smooth and handsome, sociopath, Jamie Lee Vincent decides there’s easy money in religion after attending a big tent revival in his home town of Tyler, Texas. Catching the interest of Reverend Sonny Riverton’s youngest daughter, the lovely and vivacious Missy, he charms his way into her bed and in short order the Riverton clan.

Utilizing his charm and natural-born talent for chicanery, Jamie Lee takes over the ministry, and when his popularity soars finds himself among the most revered of television preachers. However, the wealth, fame, sex and power he now enjoys isn’t enough—nothing is ever enough!

December 10, 2010. Tags: , , , , , , , , . drug cartel, drugs, ethics, legal drugs, lobbists, mental illness, Perscription, politics, Psychiatry. Leave a comment.


Something that’s always bothered me is that the answers to some of the country’s and yes the world’s, most intractable and daunting problems are not so daunting if you apply a little common sense.

Take health care. Everybody, even Republican legislators agree health care costs are skyrocketing out of control. For example health care costs in the nineties constituted six percent (6%) of the economy. Today health care accounts for almost three times that, seventeen percent (17%). It you don’t think this is a serious problem, I have a bridge I’ll sell you. That is if the Wall Street Bankers haven’t already sold it to you.

If costs are not brought under control, and soon, predictions of 25 to 33% of our economy will go for health care, yet partisan bickering continues while America burns. C’mon guys, give us something. We know you can do it—can’t you? I used to think the previous administration was like the Keystone Cops in their inept pursuit of war and oil, but today’s congress really is like the Hatfields and the McCoys.

How do we get them together on heath care? It’s not so hard. Simply take away their health care away until they give the country effective bi-partisan health care reform.

Are there other simple answers out there? Sure why not. If some banks are too big to fail, simply yank out all your money and stop dealing with them. If everyone did this I guaranty they would get smaller—a lot smaller. Personally, I believe that everyone who lost a job, source of income or who’s net worth was seriously depleted should get one of those bonuses and I’m one of them. They seem to have plenty of money to go around. After all, three of these pillars of society recently announced they were giving thirty-four BILLION in bonuses to their employees. For those of you who are mathematically challenged that sum could make thirty four thousand employees, MILLIONAIRES.

Isn’t life grand?

Do you think internet pornography and gaming are a problem? I do. It seems like people would rather send their money to gamblers and pornographers than pay taxes. What’s the answer? Sin tax. Simply tax the shit…I mean hell out of them. That’s a tax even the republicans could love. Yes many if not all of them are based outside the U.S.. Simply cut them off at the border and if that’s not possible, change the tax laws and make any income derived from within our borders subject to U.S. income tax laws.

See how easy it is? How about rampant alcohol consumption. Surely you’ve noticed liquor and wine supermarkets popping up everywhere and if you think about it, the liquor section in your supermarket has grown to about twenty percent or more of the store’s entire display area.

Then there’s the prescription drug epidemic. Billions and billions of dollars are spent every year on legalized drugs, most of which are bad for the people that take them. Why? Because we are a drug culture. For our whole lives we’ve been led to believe the doctors know best and drugs are the answer to everything. And once started, people seldom get off, nor do they think they should.

I’ll bet now that I’ve showed you how you could come up with some simple solutions to the countries problems, you could solve our drug and alcohol addictions. Think about it. I’d like to hear from you.

On top of everything else, there’s an obesity epidemic which contributes to the zooming health care costs and the ubiquitous climate change problem.

You know, the climate change problem may actually be the answer to all our problems. Simply put all the climate change deniers (mostly republicans but some independents) in charge and in a hundred years or so, none of us will ever have to worry about anything ever again.

Now if any of you are interested in my writing allow me to present a couple new books I’m proud of

Fortune Cookie Magic

Meeting for lunch at a Chinese restaurant, Jill’s friends are shocked by the improbable, amazing tale of good fortune she spins. Lust, sex, love, pregnancy, and a planned marriage to a strapping young hunk, all from eating a red fortune cookie? A FORTUNE COOKIE? Give me a break!

The owner of the Chinese restaurant sets one of the miracle red fortune cookies in front of each of Jill’s friends. Gail, the hi-powered attorney, Rita, the gorgeous model, and Saundra, the uppity socialite, look at each other, then at Chad, Jill’s dreamboat fiancée. What should they do? What would you do?

Fortune Cookies is a deliciously naughty, whimsical, tongue in cheek, romantic story that leads four friends on a paranormal journey into the supernatural in search of love, fulfillment and happiness. It is a novel for couples, about couples. Erotic and funny, Fortune Cookies will send you searching Chinese restaurants for the elusive red fortune cookie!

Buy Link: Fortune Cookie Magic

Groovin’ in Waikiki

After winning an all expenses paid Hawaiian vacation for two from a local radio station, Jessica and her younger sister, Gloria, head to Honolulu with high expectations. Jessie meets and hits it off with a man who happens to live in the LA area, where she’s from and is suddenly looking forward to returning to LA.

Gloria, a showroom dancer in Las Vegas hotel, also meets a man, Kino, a Hawaiian hunk,who is renowned for his lothario like exploits. Just when she’s resolved to sharing his companyas a summer vacation romance only, she discovers they have something compelling in common.

Is there romance after vacation with this Hawaiian godlike incarnation?

Gloria doesn’t think so, but don’t count Kino out.

Buy Link: Groovin’ ‘n Waikiki

June 9, 2010. Tags: , , , , , , , , . Books, Democrats, drugs, economy, Perscription, politicians, politics, Republicans, Wall Street. Leave a comment.


Bacchanales Sexuelles (DVD)

Ok! So it had a Swiss cheese plot. That’s not so unusual for a soft core move is it? I’ve seen my share of soft porn movies and usually, not always but usually, what was lacking in a storyline was made up by the fact, that numerous gorgeous gals were romping around in the altogether, doing stimulating things to make you forget, there was even supposed to be a plot.

Yes, Bacchanalles had a lot of nudity and a lot of make believe sex but except for the star, Joelle Coeur, who was genuinely a looker, most of the rest, looked like the girls, that get better looking at closing time. I know everybody can’t always be fussy about the women they make love to, but certainly, they can be fussy about the ones they watch women make love. Right?

So what do we have? We have a plot, which, believe it of not, could have been the inspiration for “Eyes Wide Shut”. Oops! I’ve already said too much! Bacchanalles Sexuelles, meaning `sexual festival`, features a generally unattractive cast of amateurish, stiff (not that way) actors and actresses, performing mostly sans clothing, in a fairly low budget, thirty year old erotic, French movie, with subtitles, where you sometimes have to choose between reading the subtitles, or watching the action. Still interested? Read on.

Valerie, the one bright spot in the movie, played by Joelle Coeur, who along with her friend Sophia, (Brigette De Borghese) is apartment sitting for her cousin, when Sophia, unbeknownst to Valerie is kidnapped by a sex cult. Valerie is awakened in the morning by Fred, whom Sophia apparently invited over without Valerie’s knowledge. Fred forces Valerie to have sex, which she ultimately enjoys.

In the meantime The culprits realize they have kidnapped the wrong girl, for they really needed Valerie and not Sophia for their evil purposes, so the head seductress, (my expression) sends one of the cultists, pretending to be a maid, back to the apartment to garner information on Valerie, where she promptly ends up in a bathtub with Valerie and Fred before taking their ma`nage a trois to the small (double) bed in the bedroom, where the action continues for what seems like hours.

Eventually the real maid shows up and Fred and Valerie, the super sleuths (that`s sleuths as in detectives, not sluts as in ….) that they are, start to unravel the mystery of Sophia. But not until we have a half dozen more sex scenes including the grand finale, an orgy of cultists. WOW!

I suppose this movie in a sense was an orgy. An excess of mediocrity. It also had a sense of absurdity. This may have been purposeful, which, it was would somewhat mitigate against the amateurish feeling of the film, However, that said, for all it`s weaknesses, it wasn’t that bad. Like I said the story was full of holes and except for two ladies, the femmes were closer to homely than attractive, or they were hard and used looking. That said, their bodies were decent and the were enough (probably a dozen) sex scenes, that I wouldn’t stop anyone from watching this bomb.

Another point should make is that being filmed over thirty years ago and in Europe, the girls were unshaved, including in some cases, under the arms. Also the color quality was a little flat.

June 7, 2010. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , . movie, naked, sensual, sensuous, sex, Softcore, women. Leave a comment.

Six Brand New Books from the Imagination of Dee Dawning

Whether your taste is Sweet Romance, Erotic Romance or just plain Erotic, there’s something here to please. Here are five very sexy, very naughty, hot new releases, April Showers, Angel Love, Last Thing I Do! , The Big Bamboo, Fortune Cookie Magic – One plus my brand new semi-sweet romance Sister Laurel & the Atheist. Check them out.

April Showers
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Young and beautiful Mrs. Helen Ryan is shopping for groceries, when a sordid episode from her past slams into her. As college juniors seven years previous, she and three friends took their spring break in Las Vegas, working two weeks as high paid call girls. Her working name had been April Showers. Now, some unknown person is calling her April and Helen’s plush life will never be the same.

Angel Love
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Picking up where April Showers leaves off, Randy weaves his spell of dominance and protection over beautiful blonde haired, blue eyed Angel Love as he had over equally beautiful April. Reintroducing her to the alluring, exciting, glamorous life of a high priced call girl, she had all but given up, she is anxious to please Randy and herself. Therefore, she resumes the life she, April and two other friends left behind seven years earlier, when as college juniors, the four had spent a debauched two week spring vacation as in Las Vegas .

Last Thing I Do!

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Sally and her brother Hermie are strange people. Every weekend they venture forth from Piggott Arkansas to small towns in one of the three adjacent states. When they arrive, they rent a motel room from which they fan out to the local saloons. The purpose? So Sally a gorgeous blonde haired blue eyed Barbie Doll type can pick up men to fuck for money—and that ain’t the strange part.

The Big Bamboo, Separate Vacations Book1

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Have Boyd and Walter been searching for dears instead of deer on their so-called hunting expeditions. With visits to places like Las Vegas, running up huge bills for ‘special services’ while they were supposedly hunting and fishing, Robin and Carly sure think so. Divorce? Maybe, no Probably, but first Robin and Carly take a Caribbean hunting trip of their own.

Fortune Cookie Magic – Vignette One
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If you were told that eating a fortune cookie could bring you lust, sex, love, and the man of your dreams, would you go for it? Find out what four professional women decide in this hilarious erotic romance. (25% special for a short time)

SisterLaurel.jpg Sister Laurel picture by deedawning

Sister Laurel & the Atheist
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Wildly attracted to each other, can a beautiful, shy sister and a devilishly handsome atheist fall in love and find happiness despite their differences?

It was love at first sight. That’s what the lovely, shy Sister in Waiting Laurel, and the devilishly, handsome Julian Peters both agree. But is their overpowering love and attraction enough to allow this unlikely couple to overcome the obvious societal obstacles plus the differences between their own core beliefs to make a life together?
Sister Laurel & the Atheist is a cute, humorous and oh, so, romantic story.

Dee Dawning Erotic romance for the naughty streak in all of us
Dee Dawning Banner 2
My Space

January 5, 2010. Tags: , , , , , , , . author, Books, erotic, intercourse, kissing, naked, orgasm, romance, sex, women. Leave a comment.

It’s Like Being Shot With Your Own Gun

wall-stI have been conspicuously quiet about economic downturn, aka Twenty-first Century Depression, but that doesn’t mean I don’t care. Au contraire, I care a great deal. Millions of dollars worth. Yes, a year ago yours truly owned a financial statement stating a net worth in the low seven figures. Not bad, but keep in mind the majority of the balance sheet was in real estate and I’d been plugging away at my chosen career—home design and building for thirty-five years. So in essence, it really wasn’t that much for years of hard work, but then again, unlike the banks, I’m a conservative kinda guy.
On the other hand, one year later my balance sheet is in the negative high six digits and growing. In other words I’m being water boarded in a sea of red ink and being sued by a bank who was involved in this mess to boot.

But this isn’t about me. It’s about the banks and by extension the mortgage companies and by further extension, the investment banks. I think it’s safe to say they got not just you and me, but the whole country in a pickle—a giant dill pickle—and unfortunately not just us. The whole world economy is in the toilet as well, thanks to these fast and lose loaners of our money. That’s right folks, these purveyors of calamity strangled us with our own money. It’s like being shot with our own gun.
Our money? True story, it’s not their money they were recklessly giving away over the last fifteen years or so. Banks have very little of their own money and what they do have is supposed to be kept in reserve for times like these. That’s how banks operate—OPM, other peoples money. Your money, my money. I’ll give you an example. Take a fictitious bank. Some guy, call him Mr. Doe thinks he knows how to run a bank and decides to open one. He gets a federal or a state charter and then solicits investors to back him (buy stock) to raise enough money to meet reserve requirements. Then he rents, buys or builds a building and after hiring employees opens his doors and voila, he’s a bank, wise in the world of finance. We the customers, then make deposits in the form of savings and checking accounts in his bank. The bank takes our money and loans it back to us and other customers in the form of car loans, business loans, credit cards, etc.
The thing is banks are supposed to be a good thing. They’re supposed to take our money and make strong, prudent loans charging a few percentage points more for the loan than they pay their depositors and indeed some banks did and still do operate that way. That two – three percent margin is supposed to cover the bank’s operating costs and what’s left over is profit. That’s the way it’s supposed to work and when it does it’s a good thing helping the community and everyone in it grow and prosper.

So what went wrong? I’m not sure, but one thing is for sure, greed is involved along with excess. Every so often, unless held in check by regulations, greed will raise its ugly head and bite us in the rear end, like the saving and loan crises did in the eighties. If you remember, the savings and loan institutions exclusively made non-conforming, non-government backed home loans. When they were wiped out after a round of pigging out after being de-regulated, banks and other investment groups took up the slack in home loans. As it turned out this was tantamount to letting the fox guard the hen house. Only the hens was our money. Oh, sure our money was insured by the FDIC, but the country and world was not insured against recklessness. In fact it was estimated at the beginning of the year that the financial institution sponsored economic sinkhole cost the citizens of our country eleven trillion in net worth. That’s $36,666 for every man, woman and child.

Isn’t life grand?
The Reluctant Republican

September 8, 2009. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , . Atrocity, dishonest, economy, politicians, politics. 4 comments.

Republican Tricks

Hi everyone, It’s that time of the month again and I’m buried in deadlines and edits so I asked a friend of mine, Bobby Bright, to write a guest blog for me. He’s quite opinionated so if he steps on anyone’s toes, I’m sorry,

Hello all you wonderful people, I’m Bobbi Bright, standing in for Dee. I promised Dee I wouldn’t write aboutGB 1 religion so I’m going to write about the next best thing. The most devious, misleading, intolerant, self serving, organized group in America today—Republicans. No, not the stupid rank and file republicans who voted the worst president in history, George Dubya, into office twice. They’re just dupes, pawns of the nefarious, so called, brains of the party. As Dubya, the titular head of the party, rode off into the sunset in disgrace after eight years of chaos, and self-destruction; who’s should assume the mantel of spokesman for republican party, but that tower of mis-information, the man Al Frankin called ‘that Big Fat Liar,’ Rush Limbaugh. And how about Sarah Palin? Does the word bimbo comes to mind for you too?

Just for the record, I know there are some good, big-hearted people in the republican tent, my friend Dee is one, though he claims to be an independent, having left the party in the nineties for philosophical reasons. I’d like to direct a question to the ordinary republicans, the ones who got swift-boated or scared into voting for George W. Bush. If you make under a hundred thousand dollars a year, wtf are you doing in the ‘me first’ party. Are you crazy? Do you think this party is going to raise you into prosperity?

Enough about republicans in general. This vent is more about ignorant, arrogant people who think they can twist, turn and rework a kernel of truth to their advantage. Republican strategists love to blow a little point up into a big point while ignoring comparable larger points that might lead to them. Health Care is a prime example. How many times have you heard these pretend paradigms of fiscal responsibility harp about the trillion dollar health care program. Folks that’s a trillion dollars of which four hundred billion is accounted for over ten years. That’s sixty billion dollars a year for a program that will help all Americans. Middle East Blow up DollNot unappreciative Iraqis, not Afghans, but Americans. For those who don’t know, the hard costs of the useless Bush war of choice is almost double the health care cost at one hundred ten billion a year.
That’s what gets my blood boiling. These hypocritical savers of our purse strings are blowing two billion dollars a week in a foreign war that has killed or maimed forty thousand of our youth while bemoaning a two billion dollar cash for clunker program that will help consumers, car dealers, auto manufacturers, the economy, banks, cut oil dependence and toxic emissions. And you want to know something? Estimates show the Bush war will ultimately cost three trillion in ancillary costs. That’s three billion, million folks. I could go on and on, but I keep getting off the point.

Republican leadership seldom does anything on principal. Mostly, they work for advantage. They see people with a different point of view as the enemy and when they think the enemy is vulnerable they strike. To them, the uppity black man from Illinois is the enemy and as worthy a goal as it might be, they see Health care as his Achilles heel—and they’re going for the jugular.

These wild under informed people showing up at August town hall meetings across the country at the urging of right wing blogs and commentators are an example. The misinformation they are disseminating to this hapless group is despicable. Outlandish rumors that reform will promote euthanasia, cut Medicaid, or bring about a government takeover of health care are being purposely spread alongside equally ridiculous claims that Obama is a Muslim, and was really born in Kenya instead of Hawaii.

I’m patiently waiting for the day when a major republican politician stands up and admits that recent Republican policies have been disastrous. Policies that cost the country three trillion dollars on an useless war, brought the country to the edge of ruination by failing to monitor rampant greed, thereby costing the taxpayers two trillion in remedial programs and ultimately cost the taxpayers eleven trillion in lost net worth.

Hmmm. That’s sixteen trillion dollars. Health care reform kinda pales in comparison. Doesn’t it?

August 9, 2009. Tags: , , , , , , , , , . dishonest, economy, George W. Bush, Obama, Palin, politicians, politics, religion, Republicans. Leave a comment.



homepageTo some the idea of sex in public is anathema. To others it’s an intriguing fantasy or even practice. I’ll admit I sometimes have this fantasy. Have I ever acted this fantasy out? Somewhat, in a car parked in the desert, covered up in the back of a pick up truck in a drive-in movie theater, (remember them?) and finally, on a balcony in the middle of the night.

Couple 010What do people find so fascinating about having sex in public? It has to be the the chance of being discovered—of being watched. Yes, I believe It’s a form of exhibitionism.

As I started writing this article, I started thinking about all the instances of sex in public I have used in my books. By the Book is rift with them—in a theater, the ocean, the bathroom of a bar (where two barflies catch and watch them), in a night club (where they are caught on closed circuit TV and everyone couplesclaps for them as they leave red-faced). In addition, examples of sex in public places heat up the pages of Love and Seduction in Las Vegas, Fortune Cookies, Legs, Getting Naked at the Hilton and Forbidden Passion. Forms of sex in public places can also be found in my soon to be released works, The Big Bamboo, Groovin’ ’n Waikiki and April Showers.

I write about it all the time because the fact is, people do it all the time. At work, in restrooms, in parks, in lomos, cabs and on subways (remember Risky Business). Some do it fully dressed, while others take some or all of their clothes off. Some do it in a tent while camping, where they are safe from sight, but everyone can hear them, or the go off in the wilds. Some do it on a beach, or in the water. Then there’s the ultimate sex in public—orgies, where everyone feeds off the sex of others. And in each and every case the participants couple at mirror 1find it exciting. Why? I don’t know. You tell me. Perhaps it’s their way of saying to the world, “Hey look at me, I’m ALIVE!

Have you ever done it? If not, do you think about it, maybe even on a stage with an audience? (I have) Would you do it? Would it be safe or reckless?

Posted by Dee Dawning at 5:54 AM 0 comments

Labels: Fantasies, fantasy, naked, pussy, sex, sex fantasy, sexy, steamy, stud, tattoos, turn-ons, vagina

July 9, 2009. erotic, fantasies, kissing, naked, sensual, sex, sex dream, sexual intercourse, sexy, women. 1 comment.

Hello Obama, Goodbye George

The World Applauds


In four days, the world will witness a historic barrier-shattering event: The inauguration of Barack H. Obama as the forty-fourth president of our once great country.

I say once great country because our country is no longer great. Through the petty self-serving intrigues of the, thank God, outgoing administration, the United States of America has been brought to its knees. Because of the indifference, carelessness, values myopia or fear of the electorate we have twice elected what Miami Herald columnist, Leonard Pitts derisively termed a ‘really awful president.’ The result of this misappropriation of votes has been eight years of controlled governmental chaos.

I truly hope those with the vision of a blind man, who voted for G.W. Bush are injured as much as I have been by the election of this not even mediocre individual. Ironically, G.W. is looking for history to redeem his Presidency, but as Mr. Pitts points out, it ain’t in the cards. Instead, look for the long list of missteps and misdeeds of this administration to grow and grow as the media and history examine this ‘truly awful presidency.’ gb-dc

Barack Obama ran for election as a medium of change and what a change it will be. Think about it, Bush and Obama are direct opposites and all the things Bush lacked Obama has. The semi-aristocratic white Bush versus the poor black

Obama, born and raised by a single white mother. Obama is charismatic, eloquent, even tempered, logical, values ability over party hacks, is a born leader, empathizes with the common man and is smart—very, very smart. Maybe the most intelligent president ever.

So America, take heart, we may have been knocked down, but we’re not knocked out. Change is coming. You can sense it, feel it, smell it. On January 20th we will see it. For the first time in eight years, our president will be a leader. And keep you fingers crossed, a savior.

How do I spell change. That’s easy, C-O-M-P-E-T-E-N-C-Y.

January 16, 2009. Tags: , , , , , , . economy, George W. Bush, Obama, politics, President, President Bush. Leave a comment.

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